#Health and Well-being

Top Tips to Prevent Itchy Skin in Pregnancy

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Itchy skin is a classic pregnancy symptom requiring special care and a carefully thought-out routine. The watchwords: moisturising and softness!

It’s no surprise you feel itchy...

As soon as you become pregnant, hormonal changes lead to skin dehydration, making your skin feel tight, rough, and itchy. Those with naturally dry skin feel this discomfort even more intensely. In addition to your new chemical balance, your microcirculation slows over the months, leaving skin more irritable just at a time when the baby’s growth is putting its elasticity to the test.

And indeed, your belly is the site of the worst itching, right where most stretch marks appear. If itching spreads to other parts of your body despite a thorough moisturising routine, talk to your doctor since, in rare cases, this can indicate a liver problem. The four critical steps to soothed skin: It’s hard not to scratch when itchy... But resist; you must avoid opening the door to bacteria and allergens. Keeping your nails short and using only the pads of your fingers or the palms of your hands to scratch is not as bad, but it does nothing to resolve the problem.

The real solution involves adopting an appropriate daily skincare routine, which will be just as crucial after birth since the symptoms gradually disappear.

1/ Take warm showers

Too-hot water aggravates skin that lacks a protective lipid film, especially if it is hard water. The same precaution applies if you take baths; make sure to add a capful of nourishing oil to the water.

2/ Opt for a specialised shower gel

Not all cleansers are formulated to care for the delicate skin of future mothers. Some even tend to “scour” the skin. This makes it very important to choose a specialised, gentle, soap-free formula and skip the scrubs.

3/ Dry off gently

Towelling off vigorously will only make your already super-sensitive skin more irritated. Rather than a traditional terry-cloth towel, pat your skin off gently with a microfiber towel, effectively absorbing water and hard water deposits. Also, thoroughly dry the folds of your skin (armpits, groin, folds around your breasts), which are even more sensitive to irritation.

4/ Moisturise and nourish generously

Skin needs daily nourishment. That way, the regenerated skin barrier can better withstand harsh external factors; it becomes less sensitive and more comfortable again. Moisturising creams and lotions are essential for soothing dry and itchy skin! Again, choose products specially designed for pregnancy to ensure they are effective and harmless, and take the time to work on the nourishing ingredients. Mixing in anti-stretch marks products is also a good idea; they boost the collagen fibres and soften the skin, which also helps relieve itching. Finally, avoid wearing synthetic fibres that irritate the skin, and opt for cotton or linen instead.